Melea – The Health Concept debuted in Vienna

At the beginning of July, the Publsiher of austrian SOCIETY magazine, Gertrud Tauchhammer and the Ambassador of Hungary to Austria, H.E. Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, organized a spectacural summer garden-party on the occasion of the presentation of the new SOCIETY issue with a special focus on Hungary, as the country took over the EU council presidency on July 1.

It was an honour for the management team of Melea – The Health Concept to be invited to this prestigious event, where they were able to present our innovative medical-spa approach to guests and talk about the unique LLOA (Lifelong Optimal Activity) concept.

On a different angle the program was an opportunity to highlight the tourism of Hungary and Melea’s place in the wide range of different options available in the country.

We would like to thank the organizers for inviting us, we can’t wait to welcome more guests from Austria and Vienna.

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