About us


After a comprehensive health assessment, our professional team will define the elements of a personalised lifestyle change programme tailored to your individual goals and needs in the form of an integrated health proposal.

Our experts

Berill Kiricsi - personal trainer

Graduated from Eötvös Loránd University as a teacher of physical education and health promotion, and then obtained her master’s degree in sports management. She also holds a degree in athletics coaching and has nearly a decade of professional experience, both teaching in schools and working with athletes. In her work, she values mutual trust and a motivating environment. She believes that personalised training methods are essential to developing and maintaining health.

Anna Czubor-Csák - dietician

She graduated as a dietician from the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Pécs.
Anna believes that the quantity and quality of the food we eat has a profound impact on our physical and mental wellbeing, our performance and even our whole lives.
As a professional, she believes it is important to educate and empower everyone to experience the physical and mental balance that proper nutrition can support.

Anna Horváth - physiotherapist

She graduated from the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Pécs as a physiotherapist. She gained her professional experience in the wards of various hospitals, where she had the opportunity to see and participate in physiotherapy treatments. Among the many areas of physiotherapy, orthopaedics, traumatology, cardiology and pulmonology are the ones she is most familiar with.
As a physiotherapist, she attaches great importance to personalised movement therapy, which effectively contributes to a good quality of life in order to enjoy movement in the long term.

Eszter Répási - Medical Manager, Dietician, Nutritionist, Naturopathy-Phytotherapist

She graduated from the Faculty of Health Sciences of Semmelweis University as a dietician and then as a certified nutritionist (MSc).

She worked for three years in the surgical, radiotherapy and chemotherapy departments of the National Institute of Oncology, and since 2012 she has been working as a private dietitian, with experience in several specialities, including university-level teaching, developing lifestyle programs, lecturing, individual and group counselling, and tank room sessions. She is also active in research and is the author of several scientific publications on nutrition. In 2017, she qualified as a Physiotherapist at the State Health Care Centre to complement dietary therapy with alternative methods.

Réka Szalainé Horváth - Physiotherapist

She graduated as a physiotherapist from the University of Pécs. She also completed her studies with kinesiology tape and sports tape, as well as cupping, flossing and sports rehabilitation trainer qualifications. Sports and exercise have always played a big part in her life, so she knows that physical well-being is essential for good mental health.

With expertise and attention, she helps you find the cause of your pain and shows you the way to change your lifestyle.

Annamária Szanyiné Szabó - Nurse

She is experienced in both the public and private sectors in a wide range of healthcare fields. She strives to create a relaxed, friendly atmosphere while completing her job accurately and professionally. She has an open, cheerful nature. Her aim is to ensure that guests leave the treatments with maximum satisfaction.

ANDREA BAKLER - senior nurse and specialized nurse

She has been working with sick and healthy people for almost 30 years. Having worked in intensive care, emergency care, trauma, surgery and specialist care abroad, she has a strong understanding of the importance of lifestyle change and prevention.

Her aim is to support the guests of Melea – The Health Concept in assessing their condition.

Katalin Söptei - personal trainer, spine trainer, pre- and postnatal trainer, TRX trainer

She studied at the IWI International School of Fitness. She believes: good exercise does not break you, but well-chosen exercise is medicine.

Her motivation is to show what our bodies can do, that it makes sense to move, to take care of our physical and mental health.

CSABA ÉGER - Psychologist

His professional interests focus on systems (families, workplaces, communities of friends, etc.) and their impact on individuals’ lives. In addition to his studies at the University of Vienna, his expertise is enriched by his work as a family, couples and individual therapist, family law forensic expert, supervisor and trainer.

His professional credo is based on the ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) approach in parallel with a systems approach. He believes that our lives are shaped by our origins, our experiences and our view of life.

His aim is to accompany people who come to his on a journey of understanding, accepting and developing their own functioning so that they feel safe in his work.

DR. ANDREA ANGI - internal Medicine physicians and holistic consultant

At the heart of her work is an approach that sees people as whole persons, body, soul and spirit. She graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Târgu Mureș, and after completing her training at the University of Szeged, she successfully passed the specialist examination in internal medicine. Her main focus is to find the golden mean between academic medical options and alternative medicine and to combine them to provide clients with a personalized map to help them start their own self-healing process. Her motto: biological thinking on the path to health consciousness.

Dr. Nagy Anna Mária - internal medicine specialist

After completing her general medical studies at the University of Debrecen Medical School (DOTE), she specialised in internal medicine at Semmelweis University in Budapest. In 2009, she obtained a medical law degree from Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

As a therapeutic yoga instructor, she considers the harmonious unity of body, mind, and spirit to be fundamentally important. She pursued numerous additional studies to gain a deeper understanding and more effective treatment of psychological and mental problems: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Enneagram, Theta Healing, and completed the 3-year postgraduate Behavioural and Cognitive Therapy (VIKOTE) programme at the Psychiatric Clinic of Semmelweis University in Budapest, as well as the theoretical foundations of hypnosis at the Faculty of Psychology of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE).

Since her university years, she has been dedicated to expanding her knowledge of natural remedies: she passed university licensing exams in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and clinical homeopathy. As an expert phytotherapist and examination chairperson, as well as a final-year PhD student at the Doctoral School of Food Science at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE), she regularly publishes in national and international journals and presents at conferences.