About us
Our Story
Cultural heritage, fascinating natural treasures, spectacular spas – this is Sárvár, a deservedly popular tourist destination in Western Hungary.
In harmony with the environment
The most influential period of the world-famous spa town dates back to the era of the Nádasdy family, who established humanism, or the view that the real value of a town is its people. With their innovative philosophy, Tamás Nádasdy and Orsolya Kanizsai opened up a new era, which focused on the development and fulfilment of the individual, the union of the ideal and nature.
They inspired us to be the first in Hungary to launch our unique concept on the shores of the legendary Csónakázó tó (Boating Lake), which, with its personalized health services, not only rethinks the science of traditional medical spa, but also offers the opportunity to find the path to a long and healthy life.

New dimension
This has not only added a new premium hotel to the Hungarian tourism industry, but has also brought to the fore a completely new lifestyle concept, which aims to help Melea’s guests to adopt a long-term sustainable, health-conscious lifestyle that can be practised independently in everyday life, and which can contribute to a balanced and healthy life.
Origin of Melea
Fritillaria Meleagris, a lily native to Sárvár, which comes to life and blooms in spring – just like Melea’s guests, who can experience the wonders of their own blossoming.
The flower has 3-5 cm long petals, with a chequered pattern in shades of purple to reddish or purplish brown. Flowering start from the end of March. Fritillaria Meleagris grows in grasslands, marshes, damp soils and river meadows with variable water supply.