Movement Analysis: What can be determined from posture and movements?

If we look closely, almost everything. The condition of our body, what musculoskeletal problems we have or will have in the future.
The nervous system thinks in terms of movements, not muscles. It does not activate just the gluteal muscles or just the abdominal muscles, but develops movement patterns through extensive practice for specific actions (e.g. lifting objects, walking, sitting down–standing up, etc.), in which the involved muscles are activated in optimal timing and measure, and the corresponding joints are appropriately loaded.

If a particular movement is performed incorrectly:

  • the muscles do not activate in the correct order, or
  • the right muscles or only the right muscles are not working, or
  • the corresponding joints are not properly loaded

then we consistently overload our body incorrectly, which decreases training efficiency and can lead to premature issues (cartilage wear, disc degeneration, muscle and connective tissue pain, inflammation, etc.).

The goal of movement analysis is to identify these deviations and investigate their causes. Both the warm-up before training and the training itself, as well as the recovery techniques, are then individually tailored. This way, we can prevent injuries and improve performance by enhancing movement efficiency.

A strong foundation is necessary to build a strong fortress!

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