The Importance of Physiotherapy and Prevention

Maintaining our health and well-being is an important goal for everyone. To lead a long-term active and pain-free life, the right quality and amount of physical exercise, as well as understanding and applying a healthy lifestyle, are essential.

Physiotherapy is a therapeutic method for the treatment and prevention of movement problems. Its goal is to improve or restore the optimal movements and functions of the body. This individually tailored therapy offers individuals the opportunity to receive appropriate treatment for recovery.

Physiotherapy is one of the most effective methods to prevent or reduce the risk of injuries and chronic problems. Regular physiotherapy programmes help strengthen muscles, improve posture, and increase the range of motion of the joints.

Chronic conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, or spinal problems significantly restrict daily life. With the help of physiotherapy, symptoms can often be treated, and quality of life improved. Regular, well-conducted physiotherapy programmes can help alleviate patients’ pain and improve their functional abilities. After injuries, such as sports injuries or surgeries, physiotherapy is an important part of the rehabilitation process. A suitable physiotherapy programme helps restore muscle strength and movement coordination and promotes full recovery.

At Melea – The Health Concept, our guests participate in personal consultations right after arrival. Following consultations with nurses, doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and personal trainers, they receive a bespoke recommendation from our experts tailored to their condition.
Our physiotherapy consultation consists of two parts. First, we go through a detailed questionnaire where we ask questions about the work environment, physical activity, and movement complaints. After the anamnesis, a physical examination follows, consisting of observation, palpation, and specific tests based on the personal health condition and complaints.

In addition to the examination, our guests have the opportunity to book individual physiotherapy sessions where we perform personalised exercises. Our guests receive the individual exercise programmes in printed form if desired.

Furthermore, we offer various physical activity options. Guests of Melea – The Health Concept can choose from our activity programmes. These programmes include preventive back training, neck-shoulder gymnastics, balance training, Nordic walking, muscle conditioning, body shaping, SMR mobilisation stretching, jogging, and much more.

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