We strive for completeness and balance in everything we do, hence the tests, assessments, therapies and treatments with free programmes that support harmony of physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

personalised programmes

Melea – The Health Concept Hotel’s innovative and unique lifestyle shaping approach is not a predefined treatment package, but takes maximum account of the Guest’s current health status, individual physical and mental characteristics, goals and preferences, and proposes a personalized program to improve and maintain well-being and health effectively and efficiently.
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Whether it’s yoga, exercise, breathing therapy, mental health techniques or even a cooking class, our free-to-choose programmes are designed to provide a broader and more advanced experience for our guests.
Our guests can choose from a wide range of programmes, not only according to their interests (physical activity, physical and mental harmony, nutrition and relaxation), but also according to their level of preparation (beginner, intermediate, advanced).

The month of female energies in Melea - The Health Concept

Check out our special Women’s Day package offer,

or book with a 10% discount throughout March with the coupon code WOMEN10!